Friday, June 24, 2005

Western Front Online - Water fluoridation divides Bellingham residents

Western Front Online - Water fluoridation divides Bellingham residents:

"Hemion said water fluoridation can reduce the number of cavities children get in their baby teeth by as much as 60 percent. Fluoridation can also reduce tooth decay in permanent adult teeth by nearly 35 percent, according to the American Dental Association, he said."

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Jacksonville Daily Progress: City of Jacksonville to begin adding fluoride to water supply

Jacksonville Daily Progress: City of Jacksonville to begin adding fluoride to water supply:

"In 2000, the Texas Legislature passed a resolution requiring the Department of State Health Services to conduct a study of the cost of publicly financed dental care in relation to community water fluoridation. The study suggested that government-funded fluoridation programs could reduce average Medicaid dental care costs by $19 per visit if communities maintain optimal water fluoride levels of 0.8 ppm."